Shark Tank Best Seller Products
Wondering what kinds of gifts are better to give to your children? Try the Guardian Bike, the safest bicycle for kids. Prevents head over handler accidents. It has the perfect frame design for your children and what’s more, you have two options of sizes for their bike wheels to choose from.
The garden where you will just water them and watch them grow. The Seed Sheets Garden Kits. You can create your own windowsill design and choose seed pods that you want to place in your garden.
Guardian Bikes World’s Safest Bicycles
Bicycles are the famous outdoor activity for adults all over the globe as for kids, new technology inventions cannot be beaten. Brian Riley and Kyle Jansen are the creators of the Guardian Bikes World’s Safest Bicycles for the purpose of preventing accidents while riding the bike. Their main focus is children who like biking.
The Guardian Bike started in 2015 at Las Vegas. It is branded as the safest bike for kids. The function breaks of the bike is where the difference among all bicycles. The front brake of the bike only functions when there is weight at the rear tire. When the child lifts up the seat, less pressure is used at the front brake. With this kind of function design, it prevents injuries like head over handlebars. This kind of accident is usually the cause of the front tire brake because of uneven distribution of the weight and fast speed.
The guardian bike is handled only with one hand squeeze rather than two. Kids who have this kind of bike are more focused on their balance and on their surroundings. The frame of this design is of a child. The wheel base sits lower to the ground, the wheels have longer distance apart and the seat is positioned at a lower level. The bikes are created according to the sizes of the bike wheel. For ages 5+ with a height of 3’9” – 4’5” the proper bike should be the 20” bike wheel. As for ages 8 and above with a height of 4’2” – 4’10” the fitting bike for them is a 24” bike wheel.
The bicycle is lightweight and quick to maneuver the handles. They are made with 6061 aircraft grade aluminum and 10 pounds lighter than the average kids bike.
Seed Sheets Garden Kits
Cam Mackugler is the one who made the seed sheets garden kits. He was a former gardening guru. The Seed Sheets are designed by sitting in a windowsill planter, The planter can be placed on the porch, the veranda, the bay window and can grow anywhere.
The style made for seedsheet is more ideal than the old one. Herbs, salads, taco toppings, hot peppers and cocktail garnishes are more quick to grow. Every sheet has a pod with seedlings of your preference on it. You just have to water the seedlings then watch them grow. You can create your own style of windowsill garden and spread the seed pod to the sheet.
Before its launch, the Seed Sheets Garden Kits have 200 funders to fund the project with a total of $30,000 donation was given to the Garden kit.